Twific Anonymous

Reviews to help feed your Twific addiction

Author's Summary: She moves through her comfortable life without much passion, without much conviction. When she meets the man who can teach her the importance of treating transient life with respect and love, she has to take the grandest leap of faith she's ever faced.

This fic is perfect. The story, the writing, the flow... Excellent. Stella luna sky is brilliant. Her words gripped me from the beginning right up until the end. I laughed, I cried and I swooned. Grand Jeté has everything you need in a short 17 chapters.

I'm just going to give you a little bit on the story line... Bella and Edward are in college and have a class together. Bella has been eyeballing  Edward for quite some time (who wouldn't?), and finally Edward approaches her. They talk and they never stop talking from there. Outside of college, Bella is a ballet instructor at Esme's studio, and Edward is unemployed. You soon find out that his unemployment is due to illness. This isn't that "will he live or die" fic... It's about living, taking leaps, and not giving up.

Grand Jeté is a ballet term defined as a big leap; in the form of splits, usually propelling the dancer forward. A perfect title for this beautiful twific.

You must read this. It instantly went to my list of favorites and that isn't an easy thing to do.


This story was beautifully written and really touched my soul. Definitely one of my new favorite stories.

About TA

Hi. I am Adnuez and I am a Twific addict. I spend countless hours avoiding work and daily chores to consume myself with the wonderful world of Twilight Fanfiction. To feed my addiction and yours I've created Twific Anonymous (TA)... A place where I can share my current obsessions and you can find something new to obsess about.

TA is also on FACEBOOK.
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WIP's on my reading list

I'm really just reading completes at the moment... but if A Form of Escapism by flubbles ever updates, I'll drop everything to read it.

Completed Fic I'm reading

String Theory by theladyingrey42

I absolutely love the summary for this fic: "Eleven dimensions. Infinite parallel realities. And in all of them, I love her."