Twific Anonymous

Reviews to help feed your Twific addiction

Author's Summary: "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return." -Nat King Cole. This story is about that. AH, Canon pairings.

Now, I'm going to start with a bit of a spoiler, but I knew this going into the story and I think it's OK for you to know it as well... Bella, is pregnant, but it's not hers. She's a surrogate for Emmett and Rosalie. Bella grew up with the Cullens. Alice is her best friend and Bella is in love with Alice's older, handsome brother, Edward. This is a story where he leaves, comes back, and finds Bella in her current situation... It's about loving and allowing yourself to be vulnerable enough to allow others to love you. It's beautiful.

I'm not one to give story quotes in my reviews, but I just have to share this one:
Love looks like different things on different people. On Charlie, it looked like a first car built like a tank, snow tires every November, and gruff talks with scared boys who wanted his daughter's future. On Alice, love looked like a painting, a new dress, or a cooking experiment gone amok as she tried to breathe new life into a favorite dish (the Greek salad casserole was not a hit, God love her). On Renee, it looked like walking away, because she knew she would do more harm than good if she stayed. On Jasper, it looked like staying and holding on, no matter what.

On some people, it looks like the postcard you think it should. It looks like a happy family, just starting out, a mother and father cooing over an infant in their arms. It looks like washing dishes together on a weeknight, bumping hips as Sue washes and Charlie dries. It looks like a pile of fresh laundry, Esme's perfect creases, sitting on top of your bed, or the way Carlisle holds your hand while he feels your pulse anytime you don't feel well.

On Edward Cullen, love looked like heartbreak. And then it looked like the fits and starts of friendship that was frustrated for want of more. It looked like perfect cups of coffee, his tears in my hair, staying up late and playing the piano for me. It looked like running away, but then coming home again. It looked like backrubs and eyes that hadn't closed in two days, as he held my hand and waited for me to wake up.

On Edward Cullen, love looks like the past, and the future, and every sweet and hard moment in between. It looks like the diamond ring that his great-grandmother wore, his hand against the flat of my stomach as he talks about our future, and the top of his head against my chest as he falls, effortless, into sleep, listening to the beat of my heart.

At times, I felt like I'd spent my entire life trying to show the people around me that I love them. I was so familiar what love looked like on me, that I'd never tried to see what it might look like on them. It took Edward to open my eyes and show me that the love I needed, the love I craved, had been all around me, all along. What could be more beautiful than that?
Of Kith and Kin is a quick read and I'm confident you'll enjoy it as much as I did. Let me know what you think.

Story link - Of Kith and Kin
Author Link - Chicklette

I know... I know... Haven't reviewed in almost a year. Sorry! This still isn't a review, but a promise to get back into it. Until the next review, check out this list of completes that I believe are "must reads". If you're an avid Twific reader, I'm sure you've read all, if not most, of these... but you may have missed one. Here's the link:

Be back soon... ;)

Author's Summary: Bella is a relationship-weary sports journalist. Edward is a playboy, ex-pat American soccer player in London. When they meet, will they connect or kill each other?

If you're looking for a sport playing Edward, definitely try out this fic. Edward is one hot soccer player in Evening the Score. He knows what he wants and he knows how to play, but so does Bella. She doesn't do relationships, but she does have sex with whomever she desires. This isn't your typical Bella and I loved her for it.

You're going to have to read it to find out what happens between these two. If I haven't convinced you to read it then these manips by Lolapop82 should do the job:

Damn. Right? Haha. I thought so too. Go check out the story. Here is one more yummy treat for you from Rose Arcadia...

Author's Summary: He walked away from his true love for his career. Now, five years later, one phone call changes Edward Cullen's life in a way he never expected. AU/AH. Rated M for language.

I love this story. I went on the search for a daddyward fic and found this. Honestly, I read a couple daddywards before this and this one was the only one I found worthy of my time to review on this blog.
You can already determine from the summary that Edward isn't aware he has a son. He leaves to pursue his career in Australia and Bella calls him years later and asks him to come back to Forks because she has something important to tell him in person. He's missed her all these years so he's on the first flight he can get back to the States. Little does he know his life is about to be flipped upside down.

I love the relationship between Edward, Bella and their son in this story. Edward is one hot DILF in this fic. His son, Masen, is pretty incredible as well. He'll make you laugh and smile. I just wanted to hug him while I was reading this! Though you may be upset that Bella kept her son a secret from Edward for so long, you'll get over it quick. She'll frustrate you some more, but I promise you that she will come to her senses. I also loved Emmet, Rosalie, Jasper and Alice in this story.

Secret, Lies, & Family Ties is a well written romance that I guarantee you'll love. I didn't skip over anything and that's rare lately. So if you're looking for a daddyward fic to read make sure you try this one out.

Author's Summary: She moves through her comfortable life without much passion, without much conviction. When she meets the man who can teach her the importance of treating transient life with respect and love, she has to take the grandest leap of faith she's ever faced.

This fic is perfect. The story, the writing, the flow... Excellent. Stella luna sky is brilliant. Her words gripped me from the beginning right up until the end. I laughed, I cried and I swooned. Grand Jeté has everything you need in a short 17 chapters.

I'm just going to give you a little bit on the story line... Bella and Edward are in college and have a class together. Bella has been eyeballing  Edward for quite some time (who wouldn't?), and finally Edward approaches her. They talk and they never stop talking from there. Outside of college, Bella is a ballet instructor at Esme's studio, and Edward is unemployed. You soon find out that his unemployment is due to illness. This isn't that "will he live or die" fic... It's about living, taking leaps, and not giving up.

Grand Jeté is a ballet term defined as a big leap; in the form of splits, usually propelling the dancer forward. A perfect title for this beautiful twific.

You must read this. It instantly went to my list of favorites and that isn't an easy thing to do.

Author's Summary: Every Christmas Eve, Edward Cullen sits in a bar and regrets the decision he made ten years earlier that tore Bella from him. But when he gets a second chance to right that wrong, it's not quite what he expected

This fic is a sweet, little gem. Left me smiling and giddy at the end.

Edward is a journalist and Bella is an author who dated, but ended things ten years ago when they realized their lives where going in different directions. Edward regrets this decision and is given the chance to experience what life would have been like had he married Bella all those years ago.

If you've watched the movie "The Family Man" you have an idea of how TKegl's story flows. It's a beautiful story about a second chance, learning about what really is important in life, and not being afraid to let the past dictate a future you want. I usually refrain from quoting because I don't want to give much away, but here's a line I just loved and have to share with you:
"For a long time I regretted what happened between us. But I was so paralyzed by what happened then that I couldn't see the possibilities of now. I was so wrapped up in thinking about what might have been that I couldn't see what could be."
TKegl has a beautiful way with words. Read this one today. It still has me smiling.

Author's Summary: Written for the 'A Picture Says it All' Contest... Just like the weather, people are unpredictable. The question is whether you should shield yourself from the storm or brave the winds of change.

The picture that angela4148 used as inspiration for this mini fic was what initially grabbed my attention. Here it is:

This is a story about an Edward and Bella who are best friends. Bella has been in love with Edward for most of her life, but Edward doesn't return that love to her until it is too late. The first chapter begins with Bella moving on with a young man named Paul, and Edward declaring his love for Bella; begging her to give him a chance. You'll have to read the story to find out what happens. *smile*

You will find that this story is about much more than Edward trying to convince Bella of his undying love for her... It's also a beautiful story about a father and daughter's relationship. I absolutely fell in love with Charlie and I'm sure you will as well.

Take some time to read this fic. It won't take long. Only 12 chapters... you can read it in a day and still get all your errands done!

About TA

Hi. I am Adnuez and I am a Twific addict. I spend countless hours avoiding work and daily chores to consume myself with the wonderful world of Twilight Fanfiction. To feed my addiction and yours I've created Twific Anonymous (TA)... A place where I can share my current obsessions and you can find something new to obsess about.

TA is also on FACEBOOK.
Check us out there for more Twific recommendations.

WIP's on my reading list

I'm really just reading completes at the moment... but if A Form of Escapism by flubbles ever updates, I'll drop everything to read it.

Completed Fic I'm reading

String Theory by theladyingrey42

I absolutely love the summary for this fic: "Eleven dimensions. Infinite parallel realities. And in all of them, I love her."